Thursday, 15 October 2015

Paracetamol Bulk Drug Manufacturer in India

The global market for Paracetamol is rising at an average growth rate of 5-6% per year. Growing demand for Paracetamol all across the world is mainly attributed to its characteristic to provide immediate relief form fever. The demand of Paracetamol in USA and Japan is high because of combination of Paracetamol in cough and cold drug formulations. Top paracetamol bulk drug manufacturer in India provides variety of high quality and safe paracetamol in bulk not only in India but all round the world.
Paracetamol continues to influence the market share of Aspirin. However, Paracetamol is facing tough competition from latest drugs. Paracetamol Bulk drug manufacturers are looking for potential partners with outstanding innovative technologies to meet varying requirements of global consumers.
Pharma industry is highly knowledge based and its consistent growth is affecting the Indian economy. The nature of the pharmaceutical sector in India is alluring many firms which are finding it feasible to improve their pharma operations in the country. The major factors which are contributing to the growth of pharma sector are growing sales of generic medicines, continuous growth in chronic treatments and amazing access in rural markets.

Functions such as clinical research, research and development related to vaccines, research and manufacturing, bulk drug manufacturing are the fortes of the pharma sector in India. MNCs outsource these activities and add to the growth of the pharma sector. Foremost paracetamol bulk drug manufacturer in India exports high quality paracetamol, acetaminophen powder, tablets and dc grade powder to pharma clients across India.